What Matters Most To You?

I sometimes reflect on my life, considering whether or not I’ve succeeded, or what I’ve attained in a particular endeavour. Some of the measures of success I use include:

  • How others did, given similar circumstances
  • How much it cost, versus the benefit
  • How long it took
  • How it mattered, and to whom

I look back at my life and I see real progress on many fronts. I’ve accomplished many things, and I have many more things progressing nicely.

But deep down I know that my life here on the Earth will eventually expire, and I’ll hand all the products of my efforts, as well as a few unfinished projects, onto others. Many people think that’s the end of the story, but surely we haven’t spent all this time working hard to just go to the grave and be done with it?

I began my lifelong discovery of faith around the age of seven, when I was introduced to God through a local church. I learnt so much and made heaps of mistakes in the process but through it I gained a greater understanding of life and my purpose.

What I realised in my journey of faith was this, I found through possibly the most quoted verse in the Bible gave me the answers I was looking for:

For God so loved the world (that’s me),
that He gave His only begotten Son (God sacrificed someone He loved for me),
that whosoever believes in Him, (that I can trust Him)
will not perish, (death is not the end)
but have eternal life (live forever).

I have tried to cover a lot in here but I trust you understand my heart in the matter of eternity.  God has paved a way for us to not only live with Him when we die but to live a life here full of purpose.

If you want to give the whole ‘God’ idea a try or have been thinking how do I get my life right with God? You have come to the right place,

  1. Acknowledge that God exists.
  2. Ask Him for help. (Call life’s Roadside Assistance.)
  3. Admit to God you’ve gotten yourself lost. (Ran over a few things, and now you’re stuck.)
  4. Ask for directions. (There’s no shame in asking.)
  5. When you’ve found the path forward tell other people.
  6. Find some like-minded people you can carpool with.

I am one of many who have experienced the love and mercy of God, not only for this life but for the one to come, I sincerely hope to see you there.



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