What is the greatest political threat in the West that nobody sees coming?

By Martyn Illes

“What is the greatest political threat in the West that nobody sees coming?”

I was asked that question in 2019. After some reflection, my answer was “communism.”On further reflection, I would have said “statism”, which is the more general term.I remember the audience looking nonplussed…like I was a little mad.

That was before the pandemic.

The advance of statism in the West has been a bit like cancer. Most of its dirty work was done out of sight, where nobody saw it developing. By the time visible symptoms emerged, the cancer was already well advanced. The centralisation of medicine, the callous use of power, inflationary economic measures, the passage of laws to allow circumvention of parliamentary scrutiny, media as propagandists, information censorship, the lie that the state can make us all safe if only we let them, stoking of crises and disasters…I could go on. You will have some of your own to add, no doubt.

These symptoms occur from time to time in history. They are often the prelude to some form of oppressive statism. This ideology has been enjoying a subtle and quiet renaissance for some years now… among those who occupy leading positions in intergovernmental bodies, lobbyists, mega-corporations, high-level activists and so forth.

For example (since it’s the one everyone knows about) – the World Economic Forum.

Most of these people are just full-blown communists in new clothes. Simple as that.

And most of them are quite deliberate and calculated about their plans to “reset” the West into a statist system. They even write books and hold meetings about it.They will use emergencies to help the plan along – especially the ‘climate change emergency.’They are clear about that, too. If they are telling us what they want to do and how they will do it, and now there are signs they are starting to do it, then we really should take them at face value and accept that this is their agenda. I have been taken aback – even though I said what I said in 2019 – by the extent to which governments across the western world are already aligned with these plans.

Statism is an evil impulse, as demonstrated by its horrifying fruits every time it happens (communism, socialism, fascism, etc). The reason it causes such death and destruction is that, in its godlessness, it makes the state supreme. So, all things must submit to the State’s agenda… including truth.

To quote Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand – “we will continue to be your single source of truth…”If the truth challenges the state, it gets suppressed. And, where truth is suppressed, lies prevail. And where lies prevail, there is only human misery and spiritual darkness.

It is Satan’s picnic.

Many raise their eyebrows at all this and simply don’t believe it. Because they cannot see it being embraced or accepted.

But it already has been. One generation may have thought they rejected Marxism…but they didn’t see Cultural Marxism coming, and their children have embraced it.

Like the quiet work of the globalists, it sort of crept up on us all.

So, most are primed to say “yes” to statism… and they are saying it.

Politically speaking, I am still struggling to think of a greater threat to the West than this.

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