Matai calls out Hypocrisy of Pasifika Church Leadership

By Papali’i Fuiavailili Ala’ilima.

It is time to choose.

Our modern-day society has turned the truth on its head.

Biological females who claim to be ‘men’ erroneously claim that men can get pregnant and have periods. Men are now competing against women in women’s sports and dominating massively. Indeed, being born white is no longer a barrier to claiming that one is black.

We are being force-fed daily to accept that we live in this ‘brave new world’.

No one likes to hear uncomfortable truths that destroy their previously-held prejudices. Nevertheless, truth is a painful necessity of life that helps us stay rooted in reality.

Now though, we live in a Covid world where the general population has become lost in identifying the difference between truth and fiction, with Kiwis now thoroughly imbued with this faux reality.

And in amongst all of this misinformation, there is this exposing of the elephant in the room:

Almost every single Pasifika politician has betrayed their traditional Christian teachings and values.

As one example of this, you need only look at how they supported the world’s most brutal abortion law. Almost every Pasifika politician pushed for killing a baby up to and during birth. They even managed to stop an amendment that would force doctors to look after the baby if they survived the termination attempt and were born alive.

Almost every Pasifika MP, most claiming they are Christian, voted to stop this amendment from getting through. This image is from the only party at the time that opposed the extreme abortion law now in place (Image: NC Facebook).

Most Pasifika politicians have completely abandoned biblical thought on Christian issues and have instead swallowed Labour ideology. The irony in this crazy scenario plays out in our community each election time.

These same Pasifika politicians expect the bulk of their election votes (if not all) from Christian believers’ obedience, specifically Pasifika. They expect this, knowing full well that they vote against what our Pasifika Christian faith declares.

To be blunt, this ongoing rottenness that is hurting Pasifika families, traditions, and faith is from a philosophy known as Marxism (the source of Socialism, Communism and Fascism).

Disciples responsible for spreading Marxism’s anti-Christian, anti-Pasifika values influence across New Zealand can be found in every sector of society. And, of course, they make up almost the entirety of the Labour/Greens coalition. If we follow historical patterns, this ideological disease will continue to spread until civil and human rights are void.

History also shows that there will be a ‘point of no return’. Once that point is reached, New Zealanders will no longer protest or disagree with government. Instead, the partially/fully-funded media will smear, and NZ police will arrest once public opinion is suitably adjusted.

This appears to have already started with the Freedom Protests. Thousands of New Zealanders travelled from the most southern and northern tips, moving through heartland New Zealand, before protesting and camping on parliament grounds for three weeks. During this protest, not one parliamentarian met with protestors (apart from David Seymour after receiving a massive online backlash and a very negative poll result). And each day, media flooded New Zealand with articles of violence, poop/acid attacks, Nazism, white supremacy, misogyny and more. Livestreams were shared worldwide, exposing the misinformation of these nonsensical claims. Instead of meeting with the New Zealanders, Ms Ardern decided to send in a newly violent police force. It started with pre-dawn raids then escalated to pepper spray, riot armour, shields, batons and less-than-lethal bullets.

A combination of Trevor Mallard’s usage of water sprinklers, sound engulfment, spotlight saturation along with Jacinda Ardern’s ignoring of the thousands of New Zealanders protesting has been offered as a viable reason as to why police violence ensued (Image: amended).

And this is why all patriotic kiwis must be both vigilant and ready to push back, lest history repeats itself in New Zealand.

We need to work together and do our part to maintain the freedoms we earned in blood.

As former US President Ronald Reagan once told the American people:

The fact that Socialism is thriving in New Zealand is not a good sign for the country’s future. I have seen people flying the New Zealand flag upside down to symbolise that New Zealand is in distress (Image: TDE)

I agree completely.

The current Socialist-led government is creating national distress for Kiwis. In fact, to show the proper sense of urgency regarding this, we should not just fly the national banner upside down but should probably change the title of the National Anthem as well and entitle it: “God defend New Zealand from Socialism!”

As a Conservative Christian of Pacific heritage, I feel it is my responsibility to sound the alarm within my community before it is too late. From the days of 9/11, we have all been told that if we ‘see’ something, we are to ‘say’ something to prevent another potential disaster from occurring.

Unfortunately, when conservative Christians have seen something, we have tried to ‘say something’ by speaking out. We are then mocked, drowned out, smeared or a combination into silence by Socialists who seem to take pleasure in wielding their weapons of preference:

Gaslighting mostly via NZ mainstream media.

This is why I carry the slogan: “We see what they don’t and say what they won’t.”

And who are “They”?

“They” are those from our community who know better but are intimidated into silence.

I was raised Christian like most Pacific Islanders, so my most referenced “source of Truth” is the Holy Bible. Not Jacinda Ardern’s “single source of truth”.

The by-invite ‘Dawn Raids’ apology, while appearing at first glance to be genuine, masked the fact that Jacinda Ardern did not mention that 1, the Labour party was the one responsible for starting the Raids and 2, her father was an original Dawn Raider; she appears to have attempted to hide such information. (Image: Livestream screenshot)

In the Book of John 8:32, Jesus says, “…you will know the Truth and the Truth will set you Free”. I am writing this piece in the hopes of setting some of my Pacific Bible-believing Christians ‘free’.

It is well past time that Christians speak out against our Christian leaders’ unbiblical relationship with a political party that embraces atheistic, anti-Christian, anti-Life and anti-traditional marriage values.

Pasifika Christian leaders are under the false impression that they are not hypocrites. When they freely align themselves with a party that opposes our Christian faith, they are, by definition, hypocrites.

And they are dragging our misinformed elders and minors along with them.

Gospel singers (Image from:

Why or how our faith leaders have come to this conclusion is beyond me. But I can no longer continue to remain silent. In contrast, the community leaders continue to commit this heinous act of hypocrisy before God and man.

In 2 Corinthians 6:14, the Apostle Paul admonishes the Believers in Corinth with these words:

“Do not be unequally bound together with unbelievers (do not make mismatched alliances with them, inconsistent with your faith). For what partnership can righteousness have with lawlessness? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?” (AMP)

There’s no perfect time to deliver this message to the Pasifika community.

Here it goes:

As Christians, God’s Word implores us to not compromise our faith through alliances with those who hold opposing views.

The Labour party and Greens party hold opposing views to God’s Word.

Instead of pointing out our Christian leaders’ blatant hypocrisy, I pray that they have a “Come to Jesus” moment. Indeed, that they repent and turn from their association with these anti-Christian parties.

A scene from the annual Malua Fonotaga. Malua is a theological seminary for the training of pastors in the Congregational Christian Church of Samoa (CCCS) (Image:

To those Pasifika Christian leaders to whom this applies:

Are you not responsible for leading our Pasifika people to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ?

Our people come together to hear you preach from the same Holy Bible that we all have and cherish on SundaysYour Bible contains the same scriptures that mine does.

How can you stand behind the pulpit and instruct people on the scriptures when you are not committed to them?

Isn’t that hypocrisy?

Jesus warned against being that way; He said to avoid the leaven of the Pharisees. (Luke 12:1 (KJV))

Do you genuinely believe Bible scripture anymore?

2 Corinthians 13:5 says: “Look at yourselves and check to see if you still believe.”

I used to think that our church leaders continued working with Labour because they didn’t know any better. I mean, you can’t be expected to change something that you weren’t even aware was a problem, right?

I no longer believe that to be the case.

It appears that they have no intention of changing. I mean, why stop a good thing? Labour gives you money for your fund-raising, and in return, you sell your values, faith and congregation.

I now believe that Pasifika Church leaders are well aware of what they are doing. They hope that no one will call them out on their hypocrisy.

Church leaders, I don’t know why I am the one to remind you:

You should not Fear man but Fear God instead.

By not speaking against the policies of the Labour Party yet continuing to associate yourselves with them, you have misled many of our community into embracing their anti-Christian policies. These include supporting the murder of the unborn (Abortion), assisted suicide of the Elderly and Sick (Euthanasia), same-sex marriage and more. Scripture speaks against such practices.

Two years ago, the Labour-led government’s Speaker of the House, Trevor Mallard, banned Jesus Christ’s name from Parliamentary prayer.

Yet two years on, Pasifika Church leaders have not spoken a word against this. This is disgraceful.

Who do you teach your congregation to pray to if it isn’t God in the name of Jesus Christ?

This act alone should bother you enough to disassociate yourself with the Labour party. You failed to publicly stand up for His Name.

Two years of knowing that they have banned the name of Jesus Christ from Parliamentary prayers is not just something that needed to be addressed with fellow Believers. It is a missed opportunity to share your Christian faith with the rest of the country in a courageous way.

It appears that you fear man more than you fear God. I highly recommend that you repent (disassociate with the Socialists) and ask for the Lord’s forgiveness.

I want to challenge every Bible-believing Christian to act as the true God-fearing leaders of the Pasifika community that you are supposed to be.


Stand up. Speak out in this critical moment. Your voice has been missing in action for far too long. As a person of faith, this is your fight.

In speaking to the Body of Christ, who know and understand the same Biblical scriptures that I do:

If Pastors, Priests, Elders, Bishops and even Deacons fail to stand up for our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, then it is on you.

The Church is the last bastion of hope for freedom. This is even though many of our Pasifika leaders have become compromised.

The Pacific Islanders’ Presbyterian Church Newton was a focal point for every Pasifika immigrant for decades and is still held in the hearts of people today (Image:

The Church congregation, in general, has remained true to our Christian faith.

As Pasifika living in New Zealand, we must break the current silence and address this elephant in our room.

Time is of the essence, so we need to address this now because the result of non-action is that our hypocritical leaders will be dragged further towards Socialism.

It is a time for choosing as advised in Joshua 24:15:

“And if it seems evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom you will serve…but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

I hope that sharing this will allow you to reflect on whether or not the words of this message apply and, if they do, you will repent from your hypocrisy and do the right thing.

God bless you.

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