A Dream of Freedom

By Leao Tildsley

It is very rare that I share a dream, so public but I have held on to this for awhile and seeing the post shared of cash from Lee Smith- I thought it’s time I shared it.

My dreams in the past have given me healing, closure and sometimes warnings and this is one of those times, not to scare people but to give you a sense of purpose for this generation. I will try and explain it as best as I can.

I got off a train, which I thought was in town, a friend met me there but everything looked so different, almost like I was a stranger there, as soon as I got off she said STOP, look to the right, a scanner immediately got the retina of our eyes, we were then able to move forward, but not for long, we had stop and another scanner came from out of no where and gave us a body scan, this went on for several minutes where town became an obstacle course of scans, of avoiding colored beams on the ground, oh and a temperature scan in case you had some virus that you needed to be removed for. I was horrified not only of all these incredibly advanced devices but that it was normal for people to do it, it was their way of life.

In the midst of this nightmare, feeling incredibly trapped by technology now almost taking over, I cried out, enough of this bad dream and immediately I woke up (still in my dreams) to what I could only describe as free, the sky was blue and the birds were flying.

I realised something incredibly important. We are the last generation that can push this back. We still have a choice to be free. We have so many distractions but what that first dream told me was that, it will be our children who will live in that, being ‘normal’ and never knowing what it was like for us to live in true freedom.

We need to start simply by using cash, because once we become a cashless society, we will lose the ability to be in control of just about everything.

Most importantly though, we need a solid foundation so that as you rise to push back, you will be standing on the true Rock who is Christ, who will be able to guide you and your children.

These two pictures were the best I could put up to describe this incredible insightful dream. Feel empowered today that you are holding this choice in your hands.

In Christ


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