Youthworker Slams ‘Racist’, ‘Divisive’ Social Media Post

The Daily Examiner shares an anonymous contribution from a longtime frontliner in the vulnerable child environment:

A divisive, I would add incredibly racist, social media post has emerged within New Zealand in the past few days. It is inevitably creating a division amongst friends and family.

The wording being used is as follows:

Here is why I am so sad, gutted, and brokenhearted by the above social media post circulating.

Many of my close friends have spent decades working with troubled youth. Friends are police officers, friends are caregivers for Oranga Tamariki, friends are child and youth counsellors, and more. These friends have and continue to work on the frontline with young people who have committed heinous crimes, who have extreme trauma from their pasts, who have been involved in drugs and alcohol pre-teen, and who have only learnt from generational cycles of family abuse.

The majority of these youth have been Māori.

Many of these youth within government organisations, such as Oranga Tamariki, who have needed to be placed into care, have NOT been placed with Māori caregivers or whānau because there weren’t any who were available, or even just functional enough, to care for these vulnerable Māori youth. This sounds harsh. This is the reality, plain and simple.

These frontline workers I know have never factored race into the equation when working with youth. They take race out of the equation and focus on aspects that matter, such as abuse, addiction, mental health, upbringing, etc. They have loved, welcomed and journeyed alongside each youth regardless of race. They do their mahi, their work, because they care, not because they have to. These frontline workers are from various races and walks of life.

Here is the worst part:

If these front liners were to ever take ‘race’ into account, if they were ever to create programs, mentor, or educate based on race, they would be held to account, labelled with combinations of ‘White’, ‘privileged’, ‘racist’, ‘bigot’, perhaps even all these accusations together.

But over the last several years, New Zealanders’ have had to obey a significantly left-wing activist government that promoted racist bigotry, ironically with a false covering coined ‘antiracism’.

Sadly, we sometimes appeared to have conformed to Labour’s extreme push for extra rights for one race.

However, as the 2023 election results show, we utterly disagreed, eagerly awaiting political parties to stand for racial equality and one law for all.

To all those people posting about cutting off friends, family, and support people based on the new government stance:

Do not be fooled by race-based politics.

You are loved, valued and accepted for exactly who you are.

You are not inhibited in any way in life because of your genealogy.

You are not oppressed because of the colour of your skin.

You can be as successful as you choose to be. Your race does NOT determine this.

Do not EVER accept any government telling you that you are inferior or superior to any other race.

Family, friends and support people are so important and valuable in your life. Do not throw them away simply because of their own personal opinions or race.

Before copying and pasting a social media post, think seriously about who you may be eliminating from your life by making such statements.  Don’t let this post’s racist demands become part of who you are.

Finally, please do not hold others to account for what you believe their forefathers did well over a century ago. We can never move forward in unity if we live like that.

Once upon a time, many years ago, the world was devastatingly divided by racism.

Who would have thought that hundreds of years later, racism, division and hatred towards other races would raise its ugly head yet again?

And be accepted by so many…

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