Vaccination Passports Should Be Rejected In New Zealand Churches

Article credit: Christian Voice New Zealand

The use of vaccination passports and segregation in New Zealand would be abhorrent to the core beliefs of Christianity.

Christian Voice New Zealand spokesman Mike Bain believes churches should not accept segregation in the church.

“To have the state say who you can and cannot have in your church is wrong on every level,” Bain said.

“As we look towards the end of lockdowns, the introduction of a vaccine passport essentially creates a two-tier situation for the haves and have nots.”

Looking at the way separation is being mooted in government circles this would be impossible from a theological perspective.

This is something that would be unacceptable from the perspective of the Church, and indeed it would be a contradiction of the message of the Gospel.

The thought that someone would be barred from coming to church to hear the gospel is abhorrent.

Our churches are full of the vulnerable and the weird, the wacky that’s who Jesus attracts.

It would be difficult and, to just think churches would demand proof that they’ve been vaccinated is outrageous.

Look at the very nature of the message of Christianity.

It is for the outcasts. It is it is for the vulnerable.

It is for all, and so yes, it’s utter madness if churches are asked to bar people who are unvaccinated.

I would hope no church worth its salt would even countenance such a thing.

I have seen reports of churches in places overseas with sections for the vaccinated and unvaccinated.

It’s so shocking that that’s such a thing could even be.

There are all sorts of serious theological issues here as well, aren’t there?

Just to name one, which is just very, obvious, is that Jesus Christ himself.

Part of the reason he was so scandalous to people is because of his relationship.

It seems to me to be highly problematic, to say that the Christian Church as followers of Christ, we should theoretically even ban people who are potentially infectious.

It would be a denial in many ways of the very heart of God, as it’s revealed to us in the incarnation, and then another message, the central message of the gospel, which is the gospel is for everyone.

It’s not just for people who have been vaccinated. It’s not for people who are safe, but it’s for absolutely all.

To deny people access, to turn them away, it surely must be absolutely unthinkable.

I would be very uncomfortable in the future where certain churches may require people, to prove that they’ve had a negative task.

It would be wrong to put a barrier up for those seeking Christ.

It should be the church and not the state to decide who should be welcome into Gods House.

To any pastor, priest, minister, Church elder.

When it comes, I urge you to stand firm, to speak out and to proclaim the true gospel is for everyone, not just some.”

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