Two Doctors Join To Stand With DemocracyNZ

By TeKāhu.

DemocracyNZ has released their latest candidates standing in the 2023 election.

The new party noted for representing New Zealanders opposed to government segregation policies during the lockdowns and their increasingly alarming reactions to various freedom and democracy protests has announced that Dr Matt Shelton and Dr Martin Langford have joined the team.

The announcements were made during a Facebook Live by farmer and former National MP, Matt King:

The two doctors have joined an increasingly popular and frontliner-based party.

For each doctor’s bio:


Dr Martin Langford (Napier)

Originally from the UK, Martin has been a dental surgeon for over 30 years, with experience working in NHS hospitals, the Royal Air Force as a dental officer, and in private practice in New Zealand. He was also on the Board of a Hawkes Bay-based medical /dental trust for 15 years.

Living in Napier since 1997, he and his Kiwi wife have raised their family of two children, who are now self-supporting independent adults. Martin became politicised when he noted with horror the extent of Government interference in the dental/medical field, with a blatant disregard for the Bill of Rights.

Never before has an individual’s confidential medical history been exposed, allegedly for the “greater good”. Ethics and informed consent were disregarded by the current Government, with no effective opposition from any of the other political parties.

Martin became aware of Matt King after attending the protests outside Parliament in February 2022, and realised he was the only politician to address the protesters and support the anti-mandate stance from day one. He believes healthcare should be evidence-based, and that the cornerstone of treatment should be “First Do No Harm”.

​​Martin joined DemocracyNZ ​because​ ​the pr​inciples ​reso​nated with his own, and the Party is not afraid to speak out against the current Government and their woeful performance.​ In Parliament, Martin will​ actively promote the Party​’s​ policies of democracy, equality and unity for all​ in decision-making and legislation,​ and advocate for the rights of the individual in all respects – medical, dental and civil.

Dr Matt Shelton (Ōhāriu)

Matt Shelton has been a medical doctor for 37 years. Originally from the UK, Matt moved to New Zealand in 1994.

Matt predominantly has worked in integrative medicine and general practice, he is dedicated to reducing the influence and control that pharma exerts over how medicine is practiced.

Matt successfully beat his suspension by the Medical Council for championing informed consent, though they continue to target him and other doctors who challenge the COVID narratives.

A founding member of NZDSOS and NZRising, Matt is dedicated to restoring government institutions to democratic principles, operating for the people. He is a professional musician and a doting dad.

Matt joined DemocracyNZ as the Party shares his personal values of courage, unity and equality.

Matt King led the way in standing up against the unlawful and unethical jab mandates.

That for me, showed immense courage and character – to walk away from a guaranteed job in one of New Zealand’s two major political parties and stand up for what is right, that is a testament of the man Matt King is.

No other New Zealand former or current MP had the courage or decency to stand up for democracy when it mattered, or genuinely speak up for those whose lives and livelihoods were being destroyed by the mandates.

Given the privilege to enter Parliament, I will ask the right questions and fight to uncover why our country has been so damaged in last three years. I will fight to ensure ‘never again’, and make it stick!” – Dr Shelton

Overseas, there is growing resentment from Western populations towards their mostly Progressive governments. Empirical data is beginning to expose that much information fed to the citizenry was not good quality and, unsurprisingly to many DemocracyNZ supporters, radically politicised by politicians, academics and media.

As one focal-point example, at the 2022 Freedom protest in Wellington, every political party signed and followed through a pledge to ignore protesters, a shocking decision considering the foundational underpinnings of democracy. Many have also criticised the ACT party, observing that it states that people “must be free to act according to their own judgments”, while it refused to interact with any protestor until taking a significant hit in the polls. Every parliament party failed to engage with peaceful protestors.

At a time when public trust is incredibly low in the New Zealand parliament politicians and mainstream media, could this party of farmers, hunters, doctors and the like finally wrest New Zealanders away from the entrenched bloc-vote style we are known for?

This year will be indicative of what sort of rule we will accept.

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