TPU: Bloomfield must Apologise for RAT misinformation

By The Taxpayers’ Union.

“We told you so,” says the New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union whose RATs were stolen “requisitioned” by the Ministry of Health, despite the Director-General’s denials.

Today the Ministry of Health admitted that the requisitioned tests included private orders that had already arrived in New Zealand.

Union spokesman Jordan Williams says:

“There’s no excuse for the Ministry to take more than two weeks to finally come clean and dump the information on a public holiday. As we originally said, this all smacks of a civil servant doing the bidding for his political masters.”

“Ashley Bloomfield should apologise for this serious lapse in judgement. If not, Peter Hughes should remind Dr Bloomfield of his duties under the Standards of Integrity and Conduct – including to be impartial and trustworthy.”

“They stole the tests, and lied about doing it.”

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