The Last Day For A Star To Be Carried

Yesterday I wore my star for the final time. I hugged my colleagues, gathered up my belongings from my clinic, handed back my name badge and keys.

I managed to hold back my tears until this morning.

Today I grieve along with thousands of other loyal and dedicated kiwis who have been faced with an impossible decision- take something into your body against your better judgement or give up the career you love, along with your income.

I earned my nursing degree 21 years ago.

I have also completed post graduate study to practice in my chosen field. I gave my all for the families I have been privileged to journey with. I will miss every one of you and I’m deeply grateful for all you have taught me.

I feel a great conviction about the freedoms New Zealanders are losing one by one. I want the coming generations to enjoy all that we have taken for granted.

The poppy is a symbol of honour and respect, remembering those who laid down their lives so that we would have freedom and peace.

Lest we forget.

To the warriors who have gone ahead, I wear this poppy in acknowledgment of your great sacrifice. I will not forget that it was your blood that paid for our freedom. I will not forget you Lenny, my own brother and friend. You gave your life while defending the people of Timor Leste against tyranny, fear and injustice.

New Zealanders, I plead with you – Be strong, don’t bow down to tyranny and fear. Stand with honour, because if freedom is lost, we won’t get it back. Our children and grandchildren will suffer in the mess we create.

If you have a poppy and you care about freedom and peace, I encourage you to join me and WEAR IT EVERY DAY.

What is the point of commemorating our ANZACS one day of the year if we allow the freedom they fought for to be stolen from us while we sleep?

I love you New Zealand ❤️


By Laura Earp here.

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