Stallinger calls for Campbell Barry’s immediate resignation from Wellington Water

By Tony Stallinger

Following confirmation of a severe undeclared conflict of interest, I call for Mayor Barry’s immediate resignation as Chair of Wellington Water.

For months Barry has denied that he signed a Labour Party pledge to support Labour party policy.

That policy includes Labour’s Three Waters Reforms.

He is on record through video recordings and email exchanges as having deliberately misled Lower Hutt voters. He has repeatedly denied that he signed the pledge.

How can it be that the Chair of Wellington Water Limited’s Governance Committee has signed an undisclosed pledge to faithfully observe Labour Party Policy, including policy which essentially requires the dissolution of the company he governs, and yet he has not declared a conflict of interest at the start of meetings on the subject?

Further, he has never declared a conflict of interest on the matter at Hutt City Council.

Voters have the chance right now to tender his resignation for him.

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