One Example of the Growing Mistrust of State-Funded WHO

By TeKāhu

A post on the WHO Facebook page has attracted what many are observing to be a continuation of the public backlash over growing removals of democratic processes, free movement and economic policies widely regarded as being implementations of the long-held UN/World Economic Forum wishlist.

The caption to the picture reads:

If you do get COVID-19 after being vaccinated, you are more likely to have mild or no symptoms than if you hadn’t been vaccinated ⬇️”

As soon as the post was sponsored, comments from those outside of UN-alignment began to engage in discourse, leading to thousands of comments contradicting the ‘experts’ who have been funded by governments to articulate UN-based rules.

Top comments included:

  • “That’s not what I am seeing all around me in my neighbourhood. People around me all vaccinated and catching covid like crazy. Some are really really sick with it for up to three weeks. I’m not vaccinated and haven’t had a sniffle after being in contact with all of them. Same with my friend. All her family vaccinated she’s not. They get covid and very sick with it. She gets it and only a runny nose. So explain that.”
  • “What a load of bull. Not vaxxed, whole family. It was like mild flu for 2 days. I had it longer, but the flu I had in my 20’s was MUCH worse.”
  • “If I got my dog vaccinated against rabies and she caught rabies – mild or whatever – I’d be fuming!!”
  • “Not true. I’m vaccinated but was sicker than my son and husband who aren’t vaccinated. Know many the same. Quit lying”
  • “Haven’t been vaccinated, Haven’t wore a mask, Haven’t been unwell, Haven’t done a test.”

One comment that received nearly thousands of interactions was the following:

Thousands of replies were swift and clear, with testimonials, peer-reviewed research including Pfizer documents that were ordered released by a judge, filling up the engagement line.

Across the western world, polls are showing increasing levels of mistrust from citizens towards mainstream media, taxpayer-funded institutions such as the WHO, WEF, UN and even government officials.

And with little transparency in sight, this is likely to continue.

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