NZ Mainstream Media And Their Apparent Need to Attack or Ignore Good People

By Mel Taylor

Today I attended Family First’s Forum on the Family.

I had the privilege of meeting and talking with many people.

Good people with a genuine heart for New Zealand, New Zealanders, and New Zealanders yet to be.

Good people who are routinely categorised by mainstream media like Stuff, Newshub, RNZ and the like as violent, right-wing extremists.

If only Stuff and other MSM outlets took the time to practice real journalism. At the very least, talk to these people with an unbiased stance, and let them counteract the claims against them. Then they may realise these are good people, fighting good causes for what may well be the silent majority.

The majority of organisations I spoke with at the forum were not just talking the talk, they are walking: counsellors working with troubled youth and broken families, restauranteurs refusing to comply with mandates, even midwives advocating on behalf of others for freedom and democracy.

Everyday kiwis are doing whatever they can to regain the foundations of our country: Freedom, Judeo-Christian values, and Democracy.

There were also supporters from different minor political parties who, regardless of the voting outcomes over the years, have stuck in there to offer New Zealanders an alternative option when it comes to voting.

People whose hearts are in the right place.

They are ignored, ridiculed and attacked yearly by mainstream media.

Take Family First, for example.

Regardless of whether or not you agree with what they stand for, why should their research and press releases be continually ignored by NZ mainstream media? Is it because the information put out by Family First does not fit the media narrative? Is it because Government pays them substantial amounts through streams such as the “Public Interest Journalism Fund”? Do they feel obliged to align with the government narrative?

I think it is both.

If so, that is not journalism, nor is it what journalism was ever intended for.

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS) make a good example. Recently they put out a Facebook post which made perfect sense and got me thinking.

NZ mainstream media is not allowing organisations such as NZDSOS, NZTSOS, Voices for Freedom, FRC and others to have their say. Why?Why are they not conducting interviews and debates regarding government lockdowns, mandates, and new laws?

Journalism used to be about presenting both sides of the story. Indeed, is everything NZ mainstream narrates on Covid not complete and accurate truth?

I find it sad that many amazing people who are genuinely working hard and doing amazing things in the interest of information, debate, freedom, families and democracy are generally ignored and portrayed as evil and harmful by NZ mainstream media.

Thankfully, I have been encouraged by meeting so many amazing people and learning about amazing organisations making a positive difference in the lives of many.

And I am honoured that, while small, we at The Daily Examiner are pushing forward to be a voice for the voiceless within the field of NZ media.

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