Lord: Now is Not the Time for Splendour

Mayoral candidate Craig Lord is going to put his foot down if he wins the election in October, putting the majority of his focus into creating a frugal and efficient Auckland Council.

“Currently there are only a handful of Auckland Councillors showing concern at the reckless spending – I want to get the entire table of Councillors and all the entities that operate the city to understand the dire financial situation we now face.” says Lord.

“Now is not the time for splendour. Anything that is not a core service needs to be stopped. Plans have to be shelved and focus needs to be on the necessities not the niceties.”

Lord is confident that things can be turned around inside Council, but is also fully aware that it won’t be easy.

“We’ll have Councillors and Local Board members with pet projects that mean a lot to them and the Aucklanders that they represent – but they will need to go back to the people and explain why many plans will be put on hold.”

“We have existing infrastructure that needs attention well before any new glamour projects. Footpaths and roads are a prime example.”

Lord wants Council to focus on providing the citizens of Auckland with a decent place to live and work.

“Auckland is a mainstay of the entire country’s financial position. However it’s not the job of a council to make businesses successful. It is, however, the job of a council to provide the essential core services to a city to allow its citizens and businesses to function as best as they possibly can.”

“This must take priority. Any candidate that talks up grand ideas, and anyone that defends the current spending, they are out of touch. They’re in denial and not fit for office at any level.”

Lord believes Auckland voters are desperate for someone to step in, roll up their sleeves and be hands-on inside the various departments to achieve the necessary outcomes.

“I’m willing to do that. The next one or even two tenures of council need to be penny pinchers and problem solvers. Those who are fast and loose with the rate payer funds are not welcome.”

Press Release from the Craig Lord team.

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