Lord: “I do not want people who are Captured and Driven by Ideology”

Mayoral candidate Craig Lord will start from the top and work down to solve the underlying issues with the Council Controlled Organisations, with Auckland Transport being the first target.

“The CCO’s have been left to their own accord.They have had an easy run under Mayor Goff’s regime, they operate semi-autonomous with no accountability. This must change as soon as possible.”

Mr Lord will start with dramatic changes to the Council “Appointments and Performance Review Committee”.

“Sadly the Committee has proven to be too soft on the CCO’s, but in fairness this is driven by Mayor Goff. A new Committee will be created, and that will include Councillors who listen to the ratepayer, Councillors who I feel would have a much better idea of what the people want – and would make better decisions towards who are on the Auckland transport board.”

“I do not want people who are captured and driven by ideology. The refreshed APRC would then decide who stays and who goes on the Auckland Transport Board of Directors.”

As Mayor Mr Lord would place himself into Chair of the APRC, but would not place himself onto the AT board, as there will already be too many other tasks requiring his attention.

“I would have confidence in the new APRC to hold the CCO to account – because currently they don’t. Next, I would ensure that Councillors are reinstated to the AT Board – with voting rights. Finally, Auckland Council would produce a very firm and comprehensive letter of expectation to Auckland Transport, and use that set of standards to hold them to account.”

From Craig Lord.

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