LIVE: Sovereign Hikoi of Truth

Join us live from 10:30pm at the Sovereign Hikoi of Truth.
The procession is making their way from Rotorua to Waitangi, and it is understood they will be attempting to cross the Auckland border at around midnight.
A Press Release from SHOT (Sovereign Hikoi of Truth) on Monday evening stated: This hīkoi is to be a starting point and a declaration that we choose to assert our rights and to herald a new way of being, we do not have to live under authoritarian government law, we maintain what has already been gifted to us under divine natural law to live as free people on the land. Standing in our own mana for what is rightfully ours. For the people by the people. He waka eke noa – We’re all in this together.
Article continues below.

According to the statement,  “The hīkoi of truth started just five short weeks ago with the intention of one, and the unconditional support of a few to bring to light the truth, that we are all free, and that we are all enititled to live in freedom.

Free to travel, free to live without medical discrimination, free to gather and free to demonstrate our own self-determination as living, breathing divine beings.”

However, many including Maori leaders, iwi groups, Dame Nadia Glavish, and former Te Tai Tokerau MP have condemned the hikoi, calling it ‘unhelpful’, ‘scam’, and associating the group with ‘anti-vaxxers’.

Police have also warned the group in a statement release on the New Zealand Police website.

“Police are aware of a planned hīkoi intending to travel from Rotorua to Northland early on Wednesday.

We are strongly advising those who intend to take part in this that any travel across the Auckland boundary that is not specifically permitted by the Health order requires an exemption.

Police have been planning around this hīkoi and we are monitoring the situation. As a result, there will be an increased Policing presence at the Auckland boundary.

Those who are found to be deliberately breaching alert level restrictions can expect to face enforcement action. Anyone found to have unlawfully crossed the Auckland boundary may also face difficulties in returning to their place of residence given the restrictions in place.”


Sources: Scoop, New Zealand Police

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