Kindergarten Teachers Reject Government Offer

Thousands of kindergarten teachers from across Aotearoa have resoundingly rejected their collective agreement offer from the Ministry of Education and kindergarten associations.

NZEI Te Riu Roa members covered by the Kindergarten Teachers’ Collective Agreement discussed and voted on their offer in paid union meetings across the country over the last two weeks.

“The vast majority of kindergarten teachers voted against their offer which does not meet the rising cost of living and does not address many of the issues that are most important to them,” says NZEI Te Riu Roa President Liam Rutherford.

“Teachers are asking for additional and disregarded sick leave, the removal of the pay cap for relief teachers, and recognition of the experience and expertise of kaiako Māori, and the offer does not address these issues.”

At their meetings, teachers discussed their disappointment with the offer and the actions they would be prepared to take if the offer is not improved.

“Kindergarten teachers have sent a clear message that they expect a better offer from the Ministry of Education that properly values their work, and the importance of their work has only been emphasised during the pandemic,” Mr Rutherford said.

“Kindergarten teachers want the best possible education for tamariki, and to ensure this they must be properly valued and supported to teach.”

Kindergarten teachers have now joined primary and area-school teachers in rejecting their collective agreement offers.

“Collectively, tens of thousands of NZEI Te Riu Roa members are sending the message to the Government that they need to take action now and improve their offers.”


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