Dr Guy Hatchard calls for “Medical Reform, Government Accountability, and Media Balance”

Casualties litter the roadside on New Zealand’s route to Covid-19

The truth is seeping out slowly but surely, and it is not pretty. 

On May 6 2021 a preprint paper was published on medRxiv: The BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 reprograms both adaptive and innate immune responses

This paper, which caused little stir at the time, reports that the body’s first immune defence against illness — T-cells — are suppressed following Pfizer mRNA vaccination. 

The paper summarised: 

“In conclusion, the mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine induces complex functional reprogramming of innate immune responses, which should be considered in the development and use of this new class of vaccines.”

We could be forgiven for not knowing what this implies for our health, but recently US pathologists have been speaking up about an uptick in cancers. If T-cells are suppressed, cancers receive a ‘get out of jail free’ card. Everyone will be aware that most cancers develop slowly over time, but without adequate T-cell function, they can develop and spread more rapidly, Precisely what pathologists are reporting in the US, including even unexpected sudden-onset cancers.

This paper was published ten months ago, so why wasn’t more done to follow up on the warning in the article? An interview with US pathologist Dr. Ray Cole provides the answers. Medical professionals and administrators ignored early warning signs and calls to perform autopsies on deaths after vaccination, thereby casting a wider investigative net. The response was: “We really don’t want to get into that”. 

The problems with our pandemic response run deep

Much the same has happened here in NZ. In most cases, autopsies have been judged unnecessary, removing a vital tool from the process of discovering the causes of excess deaths. Despite introducing a novel biotech vaccine following significantly reduced testing requirements, few additional safeguards were introduced. Mandatory reporting of adverse effects following vaccination was specifically rejected.

The problems go much deeper than that. Many factors have contributed to the most significant public health safety failure in New Zealand history. These involved failings at many levels and in many sectors of healthcare, government, and the media.

The government and the ministry of health decided to accept reassurances from Pfizer about safety and efficacy at face value. Nothing that emerged subsequently shook their faith or reduced their saturation advertising promising the public safety:

  • Israel’s early warnings in the first half of 2021 that vaccine effectiveness wore off rapidly and did not even get close to the 95% that Pfizer promised were dismissed.
  • post-marketing report from Pfizer in April 2021 documenting a huge range of adverse effects was kept hidden.
  • The conclusions of scientific journal papers reporting high rates of myocarditis and pericarditis following vaccination, especially among the under 40s, were not passed on to GPs or hospitals until mid December 2021, six months after they first came to light.

Why did the government hide data from the public? 

Over the last few years, our government and the medical profession have become firmly plugged into the pharmaceutical PR pipeline. To coin a phrase, this became the government’s “single source of truth”. Pfizer has an apalling safety record, so our government must share the blame. It gets worse. The government had strong faith and decided to insist on regulations that went beyond Pfizer’s recommended.

Vaccination exemptions, which Pfizer said should be granted to those injured by the first dose, were denied by Dr Ashley Bloomfield. Vaccine adverse events were judged to be mild and short-lived without any long term data to back up the claim.

Most of the early warning signs were a matter of public record in science journals, so why were few warning voices raised among the medical profession? Neither did the media report their concerns, except to lampoon them as fringe wackos deserving of punishment. GPs that spoke up were sanctioned and threatened with expulsion by the General Medical Council.

Dire predictions were misleading

Clearly, the government was afraid of a severe outbreak. Modellers were predicting 80,000 Covid deaths in New Zealand. Overseas reports of casualties appeared to be catastrophic. We now know that the British and American press promoted sensational coverage. Deaths because of Covid were likely as low as 10% of fatalities with Covid. UKSHA reports that the average age of Covid deaths was 82.9 years, higher than the UK life expectancy. 

There were also early mistakes with treatment protocols. Intubation is a very invasive and risky procedure, 85% of those with Covid receiving this treatment died. It is now seldom used. Promising cost-effective early treatment protocols were dismissed as quack cures, while pharmaceutical companies quietly urged governments to wait for their expensive medicines under development.

Money turned heads

There was another powerful force at work—money. Our government decided to borrow big and splash the cash. From the outset, they set aside $64 billion of additional borrowing to mitigate the pandemic’s impact, especially by encouraging vaccination. The government hasn’t released the entire strategy and figures (an answer to an OIA request contains significant redactions). Still, these are some of the (mostly) secondhand reports we have received:

  • Doctors reportedly receive $300 for each person they vaccinate
  • Institutions offering to test are paid $125 for each test administered.
  • If you rounded up people and ferried them to vaccination centres, the bounty was $100 per person.
  • Pharmacies are paid $45 per RAT test.
  • Substantial cash grants were made to Maraes that agreed to host vaccination without a rigorous requirement for accounting.
  • Our government pays around $110 to laboratories for each PCR test completed (USA hospitals have charged patients as much as NZ$1,000 for each test, but only pay $75 to the lab)
  • Our government has never officially confirmed what they pay Pfizer for each injection. Estimates range from $30 to $60 for each jab (10 million have been given).
  • Mainstream media was paid at least $60 million in government grants in addition to proceeds from the massive government advertising budget.

These are just the tip of the iceberg; the list goes on. This was a time of cash bonanzas for many associated with the medical profession. 

A GP I know had reservations about the safety of the Pfizer mRNA jab but enthusiastically promoted Covid vaccination to his patients. The money was too good to turn down. 

It takes real dedication to spend $64 billion, but the government managed it. Increasing our low emergency bed capacity was not even prioritised. Hospitals like Whangarei General, with sewage leaking within its walls, were told they would have to wait for repairs while the Covid gravy train rolled on. You and I will have to pay this back.

Was evidence cited from a balanced perspective?

Members of the medical profession found themselves in the public eye. They all knew that only one message was acceptable to the government: ‘vaccinate’. 

The fact that mRNA technology bore no resemblance in its action or effects to anything that had previously been called a vaccine was something that could be forgotten in the heady days when epidemiologists, modellers, and vaccine experts became front page news and revered public idols. Ethical standards were reframed, the Hippocratic oath was forgotten. Turning a blind eye to risks became a professional requirement. There is no doubt this was a matter of faith, faith in vaccination as a stand-alone medical intervention beyond reproach. 

Did scientists, ministers, and government advisors reference the primary evidence while speaking? If they did (which was seldom), they were cautious about citing papers written by colleagues who were as enthusiastic as themselves, often funded by vested interests. Were they well paid? Apparently so, as new institutions such as Te Punaha Matatini enjoyed government support and duly published papers advising the government, the adverse effects of mRNA vaccination were a conspiracy theory. Journal papers raising questions were dismissed as fringe. Privately some admitted there were dangers and deficiencies, but had faith that vaccinations would improve in the long run, so no worries.

Yesterday the government announced that unvaccinated NZ citizens abroad would no longer be required to enter MIQ on their return. A sign that things are changing. 

It will take more than just rolling back mandates to normalise the New Zealand health landscape. The effects of propaganda will have to be rolled back, safety measures introduced, independent voices installed within our regulatory systems. 

Lessons must be learned. Principally the inherent dangers of novel biotechnology need to be recognised. The biotechnology research enterprise, which likely caused the pandemic, should be paused and reassessed. We are already witnessing the pharmaceutical PR machine placing articles in papers around the world, calling for money to develop new biotech vaccines for their future pandemics. 

This should be a ‘never-again’ moment, but it will not be so unless we wake up to the need for medical reform, government accountability, and media balance. 

The NZ Bill of Rights needs to be entrenched in the constitution. Those adversely affected need to be compensated, including those who lost their livelihoods. Otherwise, fear will remain normalised.

By Dr Guy Hatchard.

Guy Hatchard PhD was a senior manager at Genetic ID a global food safety testing and certification company (now known as FoodChain ID).

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