“Dial It Down” Campaign Escalates the Anger it is supposed to “De-escalate”

Written by TeKāhu.

The NZ Human Rights Commission has engaged in a campaign that appears to be escalating the very anger it alleges it seeks to de-escalate.

Race Relations Commissioner Meng Foon went on John Campbell’s show last week to announce his campaign: “Dial It Down“. Increasing mandates, segregations and lockdowns have prompted this de-escalation strategy by the government. Both Foon and Campbell focused on race being a dominant feature of the targeted group. This assertion appears to conflict with the many marches opposing government coercion made up of significantly diverse demographics.

Foon also admitted that he has received increased, focused state funding, stating “…we’ve actually been supported by the government to increase our staff…”.

While a usual week saw around 200 complaints to the HRC, he also advised that the government department is now receiving 700 complaints per week. However, it has been noted that he did not delve into details. There have been many public notifications of complaints against the government for discriminating as per vaccination status. Interestingly, both Mr Foon and Mr Campbell kept linking the articulation of growing frustration and mental anguish in the community as racism.

There has been significant backlash from the community to the HRC’s “Dial It Down” campaign on social media. Examples include:

The most recent ten replies, in order:

  • The NZ Human Rights Commission was exposed as an utterly worthless tool of the state. Well done to everyone who works there. Great career choice. 
  • Unjustified lockdowns. Media/State-fomented fear. The most divisive government & leader in New Zealand’s history. Taxpayer-funded telling taxpayer want to think. Government erosion of democratic processes and freedom. And we are to talk just softly enough to be happily ignored?
  • You need to take a good look at your job title and description of your duties. You are employed by the NEW ZEALAND Government on behalf of the NEW ZEALAND taxpayers. Now get your bloody act together.
  • – or – how about you stop telling people what to do.
  • When are you going to speak up for the human rights of kiwi kids, like the right to see a parent overseas, which the governments family separation policy has deprived them of for nearly two years?
  • Start with the news media. Do you see how much they divide us?
  • Maybe you could become apolitical, and start doing your job. That would help matters immensely.
  • That’s rich coming from a toothless entity. You could have entreated Amnesty International to speak up on Kiwi’s behalf. On behalf of Kiwi’s severed from their homeland. Or the legislation depriving us of our rights rushed through Parliament.
  • My cousin was coerced into a vax on threat of job loss. Now he’s suffering symptoms of myocarditis. Any chance you might stick up for his “human rights”? Yes I’m angry, with justification.

And this post:

Again, the most recent ten replies, in order:

  • Sorry. I no speako that lingo.
  • Coming from the organization that’s been fanning the flames of division and fermenting resentment for years…that’s a bit rich
  • And as for free speech…..why have you removed comments from FB? Wouldn’t it be better to engage?
  • How can you genuinely address human rights in nz when you are just another govt controlled entity and their mouthpeace. A great expense to nz…but what have you actually delivered?
  • Freedom of speech is a human right. Outrage against injustice does not take a holiday.
  • You are telling the wrong people. The people who pay your salary. Start with asking why people are so angry??? It’s not without reason. Listen…. Two ears one mouth mate.
  • Tell the Government to dial down the oppression. Tell the Government to dial down the segregation. Tell the Government to dial down the propaganda. and tell the New Zealand Human Rights Commission to give a damn about human rights in New Zealand again.
  • Hello @NZHumanRights. Please do something for the thousands of people just excluded and ostracized by the New Zealand Government from participating in society. Per the Bill of Rights Act it’s unlawful to discriminate against pp including denied access to education, public places
  • Search your souls. Why are you allowing NZ to rapidly descend into a pit of hatred, division, segregation & discrimination? Is this the NZ you want for your own flesh & blood? My god, if you have the power to halt this then do it!
  • How bout you get a job that contributes to society and stop being govt mouthpieces

On Facebook, the HRC soon erased the ability for people to engage in discourse around the campaign, as comments were strongly negative.


The most recent ten replies, in order (some grammar added for reading ease):

  • And we are asking you to protect our Human Rights?
  • And you failed.
  • Dial UP the HUMAN RIGHTS! Your department are allowing segregation, apartheid, human rights abuses, loss of access to libraries and learning. POST SOMETHING MEANINGFUL!!!
  • Your point is well-intended HRC. People are understandably angry about having their human rights eroded, and being vilified for the privilege of having it done to them. You rightly criticized the way the traffic light system was rushed through without due process, like select committees, but then a few days later NZ’s PM was telling the world how important it was to respect human rights during the covid response. This is the type of thing that makes people so angry. The media have sold out. We need the HRC to really be there for all kiwis and focus on our Human Rights. Even Obama advised people in another context to “stay angry” when it really matters.
  • While I agree that people have a right to be angry about discrimination and I would like to see HDC step up regarding this I think this post is about the ‘how’ we communicate not the ‘what’. The how is important if we want to be taken seriously and be listened too. And it’s not ok to abuse someone because you have a different viewpoint ever.
  • Very sorry but, when people are dying and becoming disabled by the vaccine which, they have taken because their government has gone all out on propaganda, coercion and in Jacinda’s case stated her aim for a two-tier society then, very very difficult not to go through a grieving process which includes anger!! There is such a thing as righteous anger and some of us are praying for a Saul on the road to Damascus moment for her!!
  • Coercion to get the vaccine is a violation of the Nuremberg Code.
  • I scrolled down and the next thing I see is Newshubs’s story about a nurse being abused (allegedly). Our media are constantly releasing stories which are for the purpose of stirring up hate. Turn your attention to that.
  • We are under attack by our own Govt clowns! Whose the Einstein that came up with this stupid idea just do your bloody job and protect our Human Rights!


And finally:


The most recent ten replies, in order (some grammar added for reading ease):

  • Bought and paid for?
  • Just ONE job! And you blew it. ?
  • Loving the gaslighting, keep it coming. What’s next. We love the abuse.
  • Is that what you did New Zealand Human Rights Commission? Instead of standing up for New Zealanders, you took a break ‘from the heat’???
  • Wait what…? So your daughter has just been abused by her boyfriend, she’s crying and upset so instead of comforting her and laying charges against the boyfriend…. You tell her to “cool down and take a break from the heat”!?! ??
  • 250 000-1 million Pakeha unjabbed…WHY !!!!!
  • Be nice if you actually stood up for our God given rights.
  • How about suggesting this to the PM, the government and the MSM? They have been shaming and stigmatising NZers for months. Have a look at shame theory – Thomas Scheff, James Gilligan, Allan Schore – shame is the no. 1 cause of aggression. The more the government, media and others bully, harass, segregate and humiliate, the more aggression there will be – this is how human beings are wired. The PM has just set Northland up well and truly. Do your job HRC – if you can’t, what hope is there?
  • I don’t mind these posts in my newsfeed but I feel like commenting might need to be turned off before Human rights commission posts become part of the problem…
  • What are you doing for all of NZs children and youth who have been excluded by NZ rubgy?


These main points are seen in this sampling of 40 different responses in the ongoing public backlash:

  1. Race or ethnicity appears just one time: “…1 million Pakeha unjabbed…WHY !!!!!”.
  2. Nearly every reply refers to the growing resentment of government coercive techniques. These include mandates, growing influence over private sector practice, segregation rules, increased funding to media messaging.
  3. The majority call out the HRC for being part of the overall issue.

The HRC has been approached for clarification as to whether Mr Foon believes that racism is a core or significant component of the growing resentment and frustration being articulated.

Imagery as per Creative Commons.
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