Christian School Platform Used To Message All Children With Pro-Hamas Position

By Yifat Goddard

The Middle East conflict and the issues surrounding antisemitism are complex and contentious topics that have sparked heated debates and deep divisions among people in the last four weeks.

When it comes to education, it is important to approach these issues with caution and sensitivity, especially when teaching children. One way to teach kids about these topics without taking a side is to provide them with a balanced and unbiased view of the history, cultures, and perspectives of all parties involved. This can help children develop critical thinking skills and understand that there are multiple sides to every story. It is also essential to encourage open discussions and respect for diverse opinions while emphasizing the importance of empathy and understanding. Ultimately, the goal should be to educate children about these topics in a way that promotes understanding and promotes peaceful conflict resolution rather than taking sides or promoting hatred towards any group.

For that reason, a lot of us were surprised to read an email written by a teacher from Diocesan school to her students.

In the email attached below, the teacher is asking the students to participate in a centiment and in collective action for the casue of Palastine liberation – a perfect example for a biased unbalanced and non sensitive teaching.

A teacher has a significant influence on young minds and it is their responsibility to provide a safe and unbiased learning environment for their students. However, when a teacher uses their position to impose their personal political views on children, it can have a negative impact on the students. It is not fair for a teacher to use their authority to manipulate or pressure children into adopting their beliefs, applies to all subjects and not just to the middle east conflict. Every child comes from a different background and upbringing, and it is important for them to form their own opinions and beliefs through critical thinking and exposure to diverse perspectives. By forcing their personal political views onto children, a teacher is limiting their intellectual growth and potentially causing division and conflict among the students.

It is crucial for teachers to remain neutral and respectful towards varying beliefs in the classroom, allowing children to develop their own thoughts and values.

Ultimately, a teacher putting her personal political views on children goes against the fundamental principles of education and can have detrimental effects on the students’ development.

In response to many complaints, the school issued an email suggesting this teacher was acting on a personal capacity and the email was not sanctioned by the school.

It is very important and encouraging to see that the principal of this school took this matter seriously, especially because of the fact that Diocesan school is a Christian school.

The teacher was using a verse from the book of Luke 2 , this verse is a about the birth of the Jewish Messiah in Bethlehem of Judea.

If already using verses, and if already trying to teach the children about love, I would’ve maybe suggest to use verses who teaches about the unconditonal love of God to his people.

One can only hope and pray that those who teach scriptures to the young people, have studied hard the word of God.

“Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet My unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor My covenant of peace be removed,’ says the Lord, who has compassion on you” Isaiah 54:10

“For the Lord will not reject His people; He will never forsake His inheritance” Psalm 94:14

Hamas flag image sourced from here. Diocesan school screenshot from the official website here. Other imagery is from Hamas or screenshots of kidnap victims.

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