Bob McCoskrie Gives Short And Sharp Point About Latest Attack On Christianity

“The Broadcasting Standards Authority have just announced that blasphemy is now fair game and they won’t consider complaints about it any more – but only one particular faith can be blasphemed against. Guess which one?

“BLASPHEMY: The Authority acknowledges that when broadcasts feature exclamations of words associated with ‘God’, ‘Jesus’, ‘Christ’, ‘Hell’ and the Christian faith, some people might find this offensive. However, these words are not considered to be coarse language and in our modern secular society have become widely used as part of everyday speech. The Authority has consistently found variations of ‘Jesus’ and ‘Christ’ used as exclamations do not threaten widely shared community standards of good taste and decency.”

Note that they don’t include “Islam faith” or “Muhammad” or any other words associated with various faiths.

Now, why is that?

Welcome to our so-called “modern secular (woke) society”.

If the BSA didn’t have double standards, they’d have no standards at all.”

By Bob McCoskrie here.
Image source here.
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