Bethlehem College Responds to Attacks on Biblical Adherence

By Paul Shakes, Bethlehem College Board of Trustees Chair

We thank the Human Rights Commission for their work protecting the human rights of New Zealanders.

We believe we are adhering to all relevant legislation, including the Human Rights Act and the Education and Training Act, and we are continuing to consult a range of resources, including material published by the Human Rights Commission.

As the Human Rights Commission notes, it is lawful—and in fact mandatory—for religious state integrated schools, like Bethlehem College, to give preferential enrolment to students who have a connection to the religious special character beliefs of the school. Religious state integrated schools that have religious instruction as part of their special character also have a legal responsibility to ensure that religious instruction, in keeping with their special character, continues to form part of the school programme of education.

As part of implementing our school’s Christian special character, we strive to provide a loving and caring environment for all students, and we take seriously our duty to provide every child entrusted to us with the greatest level of care and protection.

We think our Christian beliefs actually support and enhance the health and wellbeing of our students. As our most recent Education Review Office report notes, our special Christian character “contributes to a strong sense of wellbeing and belonging for students”.

We appreciate that, for some, Christian beliefs can feel personally hurtful. Our message to those people is that our intention is certainly not to be hurtful. We believe God loves them and desires only the absolute best for them. Our motivation for continuing to hold mainstream Christian beliefs is because we believe they lead to human wellbeing and flourishing.

If there are people with hurts or concerns from their time at Bethlehem College, our message is to please be in touch directly so we can address them with you. Our heart and desire is to deal with complaints in an open and honest manner, exercising care to preserve relationships, grace, forgiveness and love.

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