Apartheid, Nazi Germany, Islamic Terrorism, Covid Compliance & the Psychological Framework Radicalising Whole Populations

Since the pandemic started in late 2019, there has been no shortage of Covid messaging from governments and media across Western civilisation. Jingles, colours, celebrities and slogans have become a PR golem, simultaneously extolling the virtues of compliance while maintaining a steady flow of anxiety-inducing news of variants, deaths, anti-vaxxers, the Unvaccinated.

Exclusions from society due to vaccine status are now rife. In many Western countries, you must have a health pass to access areas of society like restaurants, accommodation, tourism operations (even if outdoors). More and more jobs are now demanding proof of vaccination to maintain employment (the ‘no jab, no job’ policy), whatever one’s concerns may be. Parents can no longer even visit a school unless they are ‘fully vaccinated’, which is now a fluid term.

And the divisions are becoming deeper and deeper. Social media is filled with comments scapegoating the unvaccinated or anti-mandates even when empirical data clearly exonerates the pro-choice groups. And messaging from government leaders has been consistently divisive:

Even New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern freely admitted that there was a constructed two-tier society:

It has been noted that there is a lessening of empathy within people, and with messaging like the above, it seems that the current crop of Progressive leaders are very supportive of such division.

But why are the domestic populations starting to comply with, not just coercion but, the cultural shift towards division, exclusion and scapegoating?

We have, of course, brutal examples of when domestic populations majority-support their government in segregational, exclusionary, scapegoating practices. Incremental steps led to the Apartheid of South Africa, Nazi Germany’s Final Solution, decades of Islamic terrorism, David Koresh cult.

But why? How? It is an oft-asked question with few answers when we discuss what the population of Germany was doing while Jews were being systematically blamed, then disempowered, then excluded, then murdered. In New Zealand, we have a strong South African population and you will find in many conversations that somehow they were opposed to apartheid (although there are those who still think it was great). Yet for decades the populace followed government segregation and continued militarised ‘policing’ operations in the townships.

So is this just people being sensible in their health and those who disagree simply deserve to die, or as a favoured social media favoured term – ‘social darwinism’?

At the end of February 2020, Dr Mattias Desmet, a lecturing professor in clinical psychology with a Masters in Statistics, wrote a paper warning that “the anxiety for the fight for a virus could be more dangerous than the virus itself”. He looked at data coming out from the countries, following the spread and reactions, noting that the mathematical models consistently and significantly overrated mortality of the virus.

He took collections of empirical data, current social and legal trends and matched up with historical events, and his theory, first opined in August 2020, is consistently proving to be accurate.


Dr Desmet has identified four psychological conditions that have an expected result of Mass Formation:

  1. Lack of social bonds

    People feel lonely and isolated in one way or another, not able to connect emotionally to other people.

    The frequent Lockdowns would be our element here; we have been and are physically and emotionally isolated, with only online connections which are well known to pale in comparison to real, human interaction.

  2. Lack of social bonds

    If people feel disconnected, if people don’t have meaningful relationships, social, if they are not embedded in a social network, then they typically will experience their life and their jobs and stuff as meaningless.

    This has been a growing trend with suicidality and suicide generally increasing as nihilism and meaninglessness increases. A Gallup poll from 2012 revealed that 63% of respondents were disengaged from their jobs and “sleepwalking” through their work day. And with the additional government-driven removals of enjoyment episodes like sports, events, movies, restaurants, travel and the like, an already weakened social structure becomes overwhelmed with further losses.

  3. Free-floating anxiety

    Sometimes people are confronted with a kind of anxiety that is not connected to a mental representation and that is the most aversive mental state because it puts people in a situation when they feel where they feel entirely helpless.

    Mainstream Media, already sensationalising anything to generate a click or interaction, have spent the last 18 months flooding the public with exaggerated news such as body bags piling up, the latest variant with hyped fear-models inaccurately prophesying millions dead in various nations as well as a narrative that many argue is consistent with the ‘pandemic of the Unvaccinated’ narrative. There has been a noticeable dearth of information on vaccine adverse reactions, concerns around escalating authoritarianism, even protests are suppressed or given misnomer headlines. And no one can do anything outside of what mainstream media says, or at least that is the narrative. A constant thread of fear, frustration and anxiety is a highly vulnerable psychology.

  4. Free floating aggression and frustration

    All this free floating frustration and aggression will also be without objects. People will not know why they feel aggressive, but they will feel it or they will feel frustrated.

    When the three previous conditions are met, the fourth is, in a sense, the final piece. If there is a problem and it causes fear and frustration, we want to shut it down, or stop it, or make it cease. And if the government has a media-supported narrative that the ‘pandemic of the Unvaccinated’ is the fault of everyone refusing to follow the ‘one source of truth’, then that that group of people becomes the release point of fear, aggression and frustration.

Interestingly, several commentators observed that after the Joe Rogan interview with Dr Robert Malone (mRNA inventor), searches of Mass Formation Psychosis ended up having Google changing their filters to have the term come up as a “new far right buzz word” or  attributed to “antivaxxers” (Kim Iversen).

As we view the escalating anger against those who are unvaccinated or anti-mandate, as we see more empirical data showing growing dangers around various vaccines, as we watch as mainstream media suppress, mock or misinform on concerns and issues, are we watching a familiar trajectory of horror? Will we be a lesson to future students of history, an anecdote to be judged harshly or with contempt?

I will leave you with Dr Peter McCullough’s statement on his observations of the pandemic and Mass Formation psychosis:

“Doesn’t matter what vaccine it is…it’s interesting that it doesn’t even matter what vaccine it is; it’s just: “Take a vaccine, take any vaccine.” So, what Mass Psychosis says is…There’s no limit to the absurdity of the solution.”

There’s no limit to the absurdity of the solution.


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