A Stepping stone from Lone Star

In front of a crowd on Saturday, Brendon Pascoe spoke. These are his words:

“Hi – I am Brendan Pascoe and this is my partner Stephanie Cowie.

Together we have owned and operated the Lone Star New Lynn for the past seven years. In that time, we won our local Best Bar & Eatery New Lynn 2019 & 2020. At our franchise awards in 2019 we won Top Sales Award Auckland, and the Be Staunch Walk Tall award for overcoming adversity with the New Lynn floods.

Operationally we always strived to be the best we could, and we achieved 100% compliance with our MPI audits two years running. No other Loney can claim that.

During the short time that we opened our doors to everyone we did the highest sales across all the restaurants disproving any argument that we bought the brand into disrepute. You the people helped us achieve that and proved where the mood of the country lies. It was a clear message. More importantly, this week of trade enabled us to pay out all the holiday pay we owed to our wonderful staff and ensured we could honour our suppliers. For that we thank each and every one of you who came and supported us.

We meet and talked with as many people as we were able. We shared stories and tears, laughter and joy. We provided a space where people could come with their family and friends without fear of judgment or discrimination. The relief we saw on people’s faces when they realised they didn’t have to don a mask or be asked to see their papers was in itself a joy to us. The vibe in the restaurant was amazing. Pure joy. With hands on hearts we can say these 10 days were the highlight of our career in this industry.

To our fellow hospitality owners – do not be afraid to fully reopen and trade. This government does not own your business. WorkSafe does not own your business. YOU own your business. You know what is right for your situation. Don’t let our termination by Lone Star Franchise deter you from your course. Had it not been for that added complication we would still be open and trading fully today.

We were not afraid of WorkSafe and their unenforceable fines. Just remember – WorkSafe is now a criminal organisation for their part in enforcing these draconian rules. Do not be afraid of their fines. They will come to nothing because what has happened is unlawful law. Pure and simple. Open your doors and let the people come unmolested and safe within our community.

We, the people have the power. Just remember that.

We spoke with Steve Oliver yesterday. He told us there has been no further sign of WorkSafe or any more fines.

Do not be afraid of them.

They have been instructed that if they come across aggressive business owners, not to give their details. That in itself is illegal. By law they must identify themselves by showing you their personal photo ID and business card. If they don’t do this then ask them to leave. If they don’t – trespass them. These you can print out yourself and have ready.

This morning we had word through from Liz Lambert. She had been told overnight that WorkSafe inspectors turned up to the Nelson Freedom Markets – in mufti – to ‘protect’ their frontline inspectors so that they could conduct their investigations without anyone knowing.

These investigations will not hold up in Court so again, don’t be afraid.

We know through a government whistle blower that the true number of unvaccinated in NZ is actually closer to 40%. You know this too – otherwise why would she hold us in this unsustainable red light setting for the entire country – again. This time with no subsidies, or financial help whatsoever. For hospitality this is totally unsustainable now.

This is the death knell for my industry.

The costs of doing business in NZ is skyrocketing and is only going to get worse. Watch as our industry dies a slow and prolonged death meaning there will be nowhere for any New Zealander to go to.

With so many kiwi businesses folding in the past two years – where does that leave our economy? Small and medium-sized enterprises make a significant contribution to the New Zealand economy:

  • accounting for 97% of all New Zealand businesses
  • employing more than 630,000 people or 29% of all New Zealand employees
  • generating 28% of New Zealand gross domestic product.

Who is going to pay for the unvaccinated who are now deemed unworthy to hold down a job or own a business? That’s right, New Zealand – the vaccinated with an increase of taxes. No surprises there.

This having been done to further divide our country with resentment and hatred.

Now insurance companies are putting the stop on helping the vaccine injured. ACC or the government doesn’t want to pay for these, and neither does the private sector it would seem.

This government has deceived and tricked businesses right across the country into thinking that they should mandate their own employees to be vaccinated; hat it is the ‘right thing to do’. All the while covering up the mounting evidence of vaccine injuries and deaths caused by the very thing we were told would save us.

How many more people need to have their lives irreversibly changed before we wake up and say enough is enough New Zealand?

The evidence is right here in front of us all. You simply have to look. Mainstream media have not been reporting any of this because they are bought and paid for by this government.

The Ministry of Health has four full time journalists employed to spin every negative story. You will not get the truth from them.

These private mandates being enacted by businesses across every industry are a personal choice made by the business owner. This is not a legal requirement in NZ. By encouraging businesses to take this on our government has cleverly passed on all liability to you as the “Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking”.

This means if you are one of these businesses who have done this – you are now personally liable for any injury or death as a result of the vaccine. For the death of a worker the penalties can be up to 3 million dollars or 5 years in jail.

New Zealand – you have been duped.

As a nation we have been far to complacent in our trust of this government. Jacinda set New Zealand up for this with her handling of the Christchurch Mosque shooting. She won the hearts of kiwis and people worldwide with her show of compassion and kindness. She should have won an Emmy for that performance. Off the back of that she had New Zealanders eating out of the palm of her hand.

She had us. It really isn’t too far a stretch to get to this point.

As kiwis we want to be seen as kind and caring, tolerant and compassionate.

No one wants to believe that the government is out to destroy the fabric of our society – to what end? But that is exactly what has happened and is happening.

We have an opportunity to make a difference.

Our Politicans are not listening to we, the People. Our government is not acting in the best interests of our country. The resulting social harm her government has caused will be felt for generations. It is clear as day there is another agenda, and it is all coming out now.

People have been asking us what they can do to help. Here is our response to that:

We have been too soft New Zealand. Too nice.

You cannot comply your way to freedom.

Now is the time to stop complying. Stop wearing masks. Stop using vaccine passports. If you are using a fake vaccine passport – stop. This is a form of compliance as well. You are saying it is okay to use them when it suits you. Throw them all out. Stop being a government enforcer. You are not being paid to do so, so why do it? This all falls over New Zealand if we all stop complying on mass. Other countries have done it – when we will kiwis get a backbone and say enough is enough.

No one is going to ride in on a white horse and save us – we need to save ourselves.

The other way you can help us is to help us build our war chest for our upcoming legal battle. We will be fighting this on two fronts, and it is going to be epic. If you can help us then please go to our new Telegram page called Brendan & Steph Support and you will find the details there.

Thank you very much, New Zealand.

Thank you for your support.”

Brendon Pascoe

For those wanting to wanting to join Brendan and Steph’s page, here is the link to the Telegram group : https://t.me/+jkuljklhiyg5NmMx

Imagery by The Daily Examiner, Facebook.

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